We are a member-driven organization, so all members can influence the development of the Makerspace. All membership fees and donations go directly towards renting the space or buying equipment/supplies for events to support the space. Nobody is getting paid, it’s all volunteers.
Join our creative community at Conejo Valley Makerspace, where we integrate with your passion for making. Whether you're a hobbyist, professional, or enthusiast, our makerspace provides the ideal environment for you to connect, collaborate, and bring your creative ideas to life.
Subscribe as a
Keyed or Non-Keyed Member
What is Keyed and Non-Keyed Membership?
The only difference between a Keyed Member and a Non-Keyed Member is having a key to the front door.
A Keyed Member can let them themselves in to work on projects whenever they want (24x7 - We won’t judge!) While working at the space, the Keyed Members can decide to open the space to non-keyed members or not. The space is always open during scheduled meetings and public events.
Non-Keyed Members can only be in the space during events or when a Keyed Member has opened the space, and must leave when the last keyed member decides to close the space. All other benefits are the same.
Member and Guest Rules
Be Excellent.
Keyed Members cannot share their key with anyone.
Lost keys cost $25 to replace.
Keyed Members cannot copy their key for themselves or anyone else.
Only keyed members can be in the space by themselves.
Members can bring up to 3 visitors at a time. Visitors cannot use equipment.
Equipment in the space can be dangerous and is used at your own risk. You agree not to hold anyone else, including the makerspace itself, liable for any injury or damage.
Members must be trained to use the equipment before using the equipment. Members may be asked to pay for any damages they cause.
No discussing politics or religion in the space. We all have more in common than not, discuss it in the parking lot if it’s urgent.
The occupancy limit of the space is 20 people total (member or not). Visitors may be asked to leave if we’re at capacity and a paying member cannot enter.
Makerspace property must remain at the space, unless you receive permission from the board.
Membership dues pay the rent and other expenses of the space. To ensure we can pay the bills, automatic recurring payments are required for everyone.
No sleepovers.
Members are responsible for ensuring their visitors also follow the rules.
These rules may be updated in the future.
We do not condone illegal activities and we don’t want one bad apple ruining it for the bunch. So, if you break the law in the space, with something you built in the space, or in any way that reflects poorly on the space, you will no longer be welcome as a member or a guest of the space.
Anyone who breaks these rules may have their membership, and/or permission to be in the space, terminated.