During the Coronavirus outbreak, CVMake will be meeting virtually on Thursdays at 7PM.
The Google Hangouts Link: https://meet.google.com/fhq-txgk-dnp
(If your computer isn’t up to snuff, you can conference in via phone: (US) +1 754-217-7720 PIN: 537 972 870#)
Try to test your Microphone ahead of time. Headset/Headphones are preferred to prevent feedback. Video (webcam) is preferred to, so we can get to know each other better.
We talk about building, technology, electronics, art, arduino, security, making, 3d printers, crypto currency like bitcoin, and all sorts of gadgety stuffs. Share what you know, learn things you didn’t know. Bring your projects and get answers. Discover new questions.
(If Google Hangouts has problems, the backup plan is to meet with https://meet.jit.si/CVMake )